Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I need ideas

I am exhausted. I think one of the parts of my job that I am lacking in is coming up with creative engaging ideas for my classes. I need to take some time to sit down and come up with some good things for this next chapter I start in Algebra next week. We are actually starting Algebra. The first thing I need to do is introduce variables and the concept of equations and substitutions. Any ideas anyone has would be great.
Also I teach a course called Freshmen Seminar. This class is supposed to help kids adjust to high school and help them get team building skills and things along those lines. I've pretty much been making this class up as I go. Sometimes we play games. We can go outside. We can do a lot of things. I feel like if I didn't teach three sections of algebra I could teach the hell out of this. Instead I come up with lackluster ideas that the students don't want to do. If you have any ideas of team building games you played at camp or fun lessons to teach kids that would be great.

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